What are the Reasons for Regional Unavailability of IP Addresses ⋆ ALexHost SRL
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What are the Reasons for Regional Unavailability of IP Addresses

Regional unavailability of IP addresses due to blocking by providers, local governments or government agencies is not a violation of this agreement.

Example: the IP address of the ordered virtual machine is not available to a client from Kazakhstan, Iran, China, Turkmenistan and other countries, due to blocking access to IP addresses by the local provider in accordance with the requirements of local governments and other circumstances that may affect this. The Provider cannot influence this situation, the IP address is routed and available globally on RIS/RIR servers and traffic exchange points and is technically advertised by the Provider to the whole world.

We inform you that in this case, a refund is not possible, since we provide evidence that the IP address is working, it is simply not available in your region. AlexHost is not responsible for this; in such cases, you need to contact your local provider to unblock the IP address.

As an alternative to this situation, we recommend that the subscriber order a new IP address or a new VPS server; perhaps the new address will not be blocked in this case. However, we do not make any guarantees that in this case the IP address or the new VPS or dedicated server provided will work for you and you will be able to use it comfortably.

It is also worth noting another important point. If you purchase a Virtual or Dedicated Server, you are assigned a unique IP address. For certain reasons, this IP address may be listed in some spam resources or databases. This is due to the fact that previously users who were assigned this IP address used it for other purposes and for malicious purposes. In such cases, we take measures to stop the server and spam databases mark this IP for themselves.

We reserve the right to contact specific bases to delist a given IP that you may use; however, there is no guarantee that the spam database will quickly delete this IP, or even respond to our message at all. Naturally, we follow a certain Removal Procedure, but we do not guarantee that the IP will be removed from this database. In light of the above, refunds are not possible due to your IP being blocked.

Please note! Our company does not position its services as a means of bypassing blocking; we are a Hosting provider and do not provide the Subscriber with the technical capabilities to access the Internet.
If the client cannot use the service due to a block on his side, this is not a reason for a refund. The reason for not refunding is not from our side because everything is completely working, if someone from the other side i.e. organization, country, government or other agencies blocks access, Alexhost is not responsible for such actions. Since we work fully and your service is not affected in any way by us.

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