
Linux is a powerful operating system. It contains a large number of commands, both complex and easy to perform. This article is aimed at introducing commands that will help you do simple things and actually familiarize you with the Linux terminal.


Denotes List. It is usually used to display the contents of the current directory. Example

ls -l – displays a detailed list of files.


Denotes Change Directory. It is usually used to navigate between directories. Example:

cd /home/user – goes to the user directory “user”.


Denotes Print Working Directory. Its usual use is Displays the full path of the current working directory. Example:

pwd – displays the current path.


Stands for Copy. It is usually used for copying files or directories. Example:

cp file1.txt /path/to/your_destination – copying a file.


Stands for Move. It is usually used to move files or directories. Example:

mv file1.txt /path/to/your_destination – moving a file.


Stands for Remove. Its use is usually for deleting files or directories. Example:

rm your_file1.exe – delete a file.


Stands for Make Directory. Its use is usually to create a new directory. Example:

mkdir new_your_directory – creates a new directory.


Stands for Remove Directory. Its use is usually to delete a specific directory. Example:

rmdir old_your_directory – removes an empty directory.


Indicates Global Regular Expression Print. Its use is usually to search for specific text in some of your specific files. Example:

grep "pattern" your_file.txt – search for a string with a given pattern.


Indicates Change Mode. Its application is usually to change file access rights. Example:

chmod test_file.sh – setting permissions to execute the script.

These commands are only a small part of Linux functionality. Learning the command line will help you become more efficient with your system and improve your Linux administration experience.