Are you from Moldova? We are offering FREE WEB HOSTING in Moldova ⋆ ALexHost SRL

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Are you from Moldova? We are offering FREE WEB HOSTING in Moldova

Dear customers,

The Republic of Moldova experiences a rather difficult time in the energetic sense. In this regard we have decided to provide a certain group of people with a web hosting which is absolutely free of charge. 

Not all of the people are entitled to this special offer. In fact, free web hosting may have people whose work brings good for society. 

More to the point: all of the school or infant school employees may quite simply pretend to get free hosting for their web projects. In case one works for some kind of farm, one also could be entitled to receive free hosting.

Just drop us a line and we’ll provide you with all of the necessary information regarding receiving free web hosting.

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Tel: + (373) 22 87-87-87

Email :

Test your skills on our all Hosting services and get 15% off!

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