⏰ March 9th, 2023 📒
Data centre news
Earn 15% commission with our recurring affiliate hosting program.
How does it work?
- Once you register with us, go to the “affiliate” page and activate your affiliate account.
- You will receive a referral link. This is your unique link to AlexHost that associates our website with your ID. If a client orders through that link, it is YOUR client.
- Whatever the client pays us, you will get 15% of the earnings all the time. That way, you can get paid for years from just one client.
- You will be able to see how many people clicked on your referral link, how many signups you have and how much each client has to pay you every month.
Step-by-step instruction
Step 1
In your personal account, go to the Affiliate section
Step 2
Select subsection Summary
Step 3
Copy the link and invite your friends, partners and other clients!
Earn money without any investment in business!
Also follow our activity in our social networks, we always take care of the client, and regularly make nice bonuses!
Telegram: https://t.me/alexhostofficial
Telegram_chat: @Alexhost_on
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexhostcom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexhostcom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hosting_alexhost/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/alexhost/
Website: https://alexhost.com