Using tmux: A Terminal Multiplexer ⋆ ALexHost SRL
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Using tmux: A Terminal Multiplexer

For users managing systems on Linux VPS hosting, the ability to efficiently organize terminal sessions is essential for productivity and streamlined workflows. Whether you’re monitoring applications, running background processes, or managing multiple sessions on your VPS, tmux (Terminal Multiplexer) is an invaluable tool. By allowing you to create, manage, and control multiple terminal windows within a single session, tmux can help you keep track of important tasks, especially in remote environments common in Linux VPS hosting setups. This guide will introduce you to the core features of tmux and show you how to use it effectively to elevate your command-line experience.

Using tmux: A Terminal Multiplexer

In the world of command-line interface (CLI) usage, efficiency and productivity are crucial, especially for developers and system administrators. One of the most powerful tools for enhancing productivity in the terminal is tmux (Terminal Multiplexer). This article will introduce you to tmux, its features, and how to effectively use it to manage multiple terminal sessions seamlessly.

What is tmux?

tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to create, access, and control multiple terminal sessions from a single window. It is particularly useful for running long processes, managing remote sessions, or simply organizing your workspace more effectively. With tmux, you can split your terminal into multiple panes, switch between different sessions, and detach and reattach to sessions without interrupting running processes.

Key Features of tmux

  1. Session Management: Create and manage multiple terminal sessions within a single terminal window.
  2. Window Splitting: Split your terminal window into multiple panes, allowing you to view different command outputs side by side.
  3. Detaching and Reattaching: Detach from a session and reattach later, preserving the state of your running processes.
  4. Customizable: Customize key bindings, colors, and status bar information to fit your workflow.
  5. Persistence: Keep your terminal sessions alive even when you disconnect from SSH or close your terminal.

Installing tmux

tmux is available in the package repositories of most Linux distributions. To install tmux, use the following commands based on your OS:

On Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install tmux


sudo yum install tmux

On macOS:

If you use Homebrew, you can install tmux with:

brew install tmux

Basic tmux Commands

Starting tmux

To start a new tmux session, simply type:


You can also name your session by using:

tmux new -s session_name

Now, let’s check the active tmux sessions. You can do this by typing the following command in your terminal:

tmux ls

Detaching from a Session

To detach from the current session, press:

Ctrl + b, then d

This key combination means you first hold Ctrl and press b, then release both keys and press d. Your session will continue running in the background.

Reattaching to a Session

To reattach to a previously detached session, use:

tmux attach-session -t session_name

If you only have one session, you can simply use:

tmux attach

Customizing tmux

Step 1: Open or Create the tmux Configuration File

You will need to edit the ~/.tmux.conf file to apply your customizations. You can use any text editor of your choice, such as nano, vim, or gedit. Here’s how to open it using nano:

nano ~/.tmux.conf

If the file does not exist, this command will create it.

Step 2: Add Customizations

Here are some common customizations you can make to your ~/.tmux.conf file.

1. Change the Prefix Key

To change the prefix key from the default Ctrl + b to Ctrl + a, add the following line:

set -g prefix C-a

This will make Ctrl + a the new prefix key.

2. Enable Mouse Support

To enable mouse support, which allows you to select windows and panes using your mouse, add this line:

set -g mouse on

3. Status Bar Customization

To customize the status bar to display the current time in green, add the following line:

set -g status-right "#[fg=green]#(date +'%H:%M:%S')"

Example Configuration

Your ~/.tmux.conf file should look something like this:

# Change the prefix key to Ctrl + a
set -g prefix C-a
# Enable mouse support
set -g mouse on
# Customize the status bar to show the current time
set -g status-right "#[fg=green]#(date +'%H:%M:%S')"

Step 3: Save and Exit

If you’re using nano, you can save your changes by pressing Ctrl + O, then press Enter, and exit by pressing Ctrl + X.

Step 4: Reload the tmux Configuration

To apply the changes without restarting tmux, you need to reload the configuration file. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the tmux command prompt by pressing:
    Ctrl + a, then :
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
    source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Step 5: Verify Customizations

  1. Check the Prefix Key: After changing the prefix, you can test it by pressing Ctrl + a, then c to create a new window.
  2. Mouse Support: Click on different panes and windows to see if mouse support is enabled.
  3. Status Bar: Observe the status bar at the bottom of your tmux window to see if the current time is displayed in green.


tmux is an invaluable tool for anyone who spends significant time in the terminal. Its ability to manage multiple terminal sessions, split panes, and maintain persistent sessions allows for enhanced productivity and efficiency. Whether you are a developer, system administrator, or power user, mastering tmux can significantly improve your command-line workflow.

Start experimenting with tmux today and discover how it can transform your terminal experience. For more information and advanced usage, you can refer to the tmux man page or the official documentation. If you have any questions or need assistance with specific features, feel free to ask!

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