Port Speed - 1 Gbps: Metered & Unmetered Options ⋆ ALexHost SRL
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Port Speed – 1 Gbps: Metered & Unmetered Options

For dedicated servers in AlexHost, 300 Mbps is allocated by default, which is included in the tariff plan. However, it is also possible to purchase an additional high and powerful band – this is 1 Gbps. This in turn is defined by the Metered & Unmetered types. A brief description will be given below.

  1. The first option is 1 Gbps Shared, which is included in the price of the dedicated server. Please note that your server is connected to a 1 Gbps port in a RACK, to which other servers are also connected. This means that your connection speed may fluctuate depending on how many other servers are using the port at any given time.
  2. The second option is 1 Gbps Dedicated / Guaranteed Metered. In this case, you will receive a guaranteed speed of 1 Gbps, but the bandwidth is limited to 99 TB ( rx + tx ) , and the cost is only 50 euros.
  3. The third option is 1 Gbps Dedicated / Guaranteed Unmetered. You will receive a guaranteed speed of 1 Gbps and unlimited bandwidth for a cost of 400 euros.

We hope this helps you choose the most suitable option for connecting to the network for your dedicated server.

* If you have exhausted all the traffic allotted to your dedicated server, your service may automatically switch to a shared 1 Gbps connection until the start of the next billing cycle

* By making a purchase, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and conditions, and you agree to be bound by them.

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