
Managing user privileges is a crucial aspect of administering Linux systems, especially when it comes to granting users the necessary permissions to perform administrative tasks. While Linux systems offer a clear separation between regular user accounts and the superuser (root), there are scenarios where you might need to give a user elevated privileges without granting them direct root access. This guide will walk you through how to add a user to the root group, grant them sudo privileges, and configure user access safely.

Understanding Root and User Privileges

Before proceeding, it’s important to understand the implications of adding a user to the root group or granting them sudo privileges:

  • Root User: The root user has unrestricted access to all files, commands, and services on the system. Misuse of root privileges can lead to unintended system changes or even security risks.
  • Sudo Privileges: Granting sudo privileges allows a user to run commands with superuser permissions by prefacing them with sudo. This is a safer alternative to direct root access, as it requires a password and can be logged for auditing.


  • You must have root or sudo privileges on your system.
  • The user account you want to grant privileges to should already exist. If it doesn’t, create it using:
    sudo adduser username

    Replace username with the name of the user you want to add.

Step 1: Add the User to the Root Group

Adding a user to the root group is generally not recommended, as it can give them unrestricted access to the system. Instead, a better approach is to add the user to the sudo group, which is safer and more controlled.

Adding a User to the sudo Group

On most modern Linux distributions (like Ubuntu), users in the sudo group are granted administrative privileges. To add a user to the sudo group, use the following command:

sudo usermod -aG sudo username

Replace username with the name of the user you wish to grant sudo access to. The -aG option appends the user to the specified group (sudo in this case).

Verifying the User’s Group Membership

To verify that the user has been successfully added to the sudo group, run:

groups username

This command will display a list of groups that the user is a part of. You should see sudo in the list.

Step 2: Granting sudo Privileges

If your Linux distribution does not use the sudo group by default (such as some older or custom Linux setups), you may need to explicitly configure sudo privileges for the user.

Editing the sudoers File

The sudoers file controls how sudo privileges are applied to users and groups. To edit this file safely, use the visudo command:

sudo visudo

This command opens the sudoers file in a text editor, providing syntax checking to prevent errors that could lock you out of administrative access.

To grant sudo privileges to a specific user, add the following line at the end of the file:

username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

Replace username with the user’s name. This line allows the user to execute any command with sudo.

  • ALL=(ALL:ALL): Specifies that the user can execute commands as any user or group.
  • ALL: Indicates that all commands are allowed.

Step 3: Testing sudo Privileges

After adding the user to the sudo group or editing the sudoers file, it’s important to test that the changes have taken effect. Log in as the user (or use su to switch to the user) and run a simple command with sudo:

sudo whoami

If the configuration is correct, the output should be root, indicating that the user has sudo privileges. If you encounter any errors, double-check the sudoers file for syntax mistakes.

Step 4: Adding a User to the root Group (Not Recommended)

If you need to add a user directly to the root group (again, this is not recommended due to security risks), you can use:

sudo usermod -aG root username

However, note that adding a user to the root group grants them all the privileges of the root user, making this a potential security risk. It is safer to use the sudo group as described in the previous steps.

Step 5: Removing a User from the sudo or root Group

If you need to revoke sudo or root privileges from a user, you can remove them from the respective group with the following command:

Removing a User from the sudo Group

sudo deluser username sudo

Replace username with the user’s name. This command removes the user from the sudo group, revoking their ability to execute commands as a superuser.

Removing a User from the root Group

sudo deluser username root

This will remove the user from the root group, if they were added to it.

Step 6: Best Practices for Granting Privileges

  • Use sudo Instead of root: Adding users to the sudo group is more secure than adding them directly to the root group, as it limits the potential for misuse.
  • Audit User Commands: When users use sudo, their commands can be logged, making it easier to track actions for security and auditing purposes.
  • Grant Minimal Access: Only grant administrative access to users who absolutely need it to perform their tasks.
  • Regularly Review sudoers File: Periodically review the sudoers file and user group memberships to ensure that only authorized users have administrative privileges.


Managing user access and privileges in Linux is a fundamental part of system administration. By using the sudo group and carefully configuring the sudoers file, you can grant users the access they need while maintaining security on your system. Always use the least privilege principle when granting access, and avoid adding users directly to the root group unless absolutely necessary. With this guide, you should be able to manage user privileges effectively and keep your Linux system secure.