Comodo PositiveSSL buy certificate for site https - price from AlexHost

Comodo PositiveSSL

1 Year €12.99 EUR

Comodo PositiveSSL is recognized as a highly trusted certificate that provides validation for a strictly single domain (DV). This type of protocol for a site does not involve company verification and is optimal for web resources with a small volume of digital transactions.                   

Certificate nameComodo PositiveSSL
TargetUsers’ personal data security
Target buyerIndividuals, individual entrepreneurs, companies
Delivery time 3-14 days
Domains’ number1
Documents’ verification needNo

Comodo PositiveSSL mission

Purchase Comodo PositiveSSL at a bargain price from AlexHost hosting provider. This is one of the most sought after and affordable certificates available for purchase. Comodo PositiveSSL for the site offers a decent level of information encryption via HTTPS protocol and is suitable for most popular browsers.

The mentioned protocol is intended to provide protection for web resources with modest volumes of electronic transactions’ volumes. It can be used on any number of servers with no additional expenses. Such a certificate purchase significantly increases users’ trust due to the stable high level of security of any information entered on the site.

Before acquiring Comodo PositiveSSL from AlexHost, please, determine the appropriate certificate type. Comodo offers two solutions:

  • Positive SSL (installation strictly on one domain).
  • Positive SSL Wildcard (installation on the main domain and all subdomains).

Advantages of Comodo PositiveSSL for a website at AlexHost

The Comodo PositiveSSL protocol for a site, available inexpensively at AlexHost, has several benefits:

  • High reliability level (guarantee of 100% security of your information from the fraudsters’ actions).
  • Budget Comodo PositiveSSL cost (in particular, when ordering a product from AlexHost).
  • Availability of a guarantee from the manufacturer (the developer promises to pay any protocol’s user up to $10,000 in case of losses due to unsecured digital transactions and incorrect protocol’s operation).
  • Unlimited number of re-releases and the ability to work with different server licenses.

Buying a designated certificate with the help of AlexHost specialists cheaply and safely, your digital project receives a special trust mark (Positive SSL Trusted Site Seal), thanks to which you can inspire trust and respect from any visitor. In parallel with the consumers’ trust, the conversion of the site will also increase.

1 Year €12.99 EUR