Few scripts to make and create a very fast wordpress server in VPS ⋆ ALexHost SRL
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Few scripts to make and create a very fast wordpress server in VPS

Create a very fast wordpress server – Few ways to make and create WordPress in VPS!

Do you want to create a very fast wordpress server and make it faster than ever? In this article we will tell you how you can make a fast way to create wordpress site, secure and reliable for your VPS.

With this Stack and bash scripts it will help you to build and fast way to create wordpress site with Secure, reliable and fast (includes caching like Redis or Fastcgi with Nginx!), not only that but your server will be secure with SSL / TLS and Web server like Nginx hardening prepared for high traffic websites and fast loading, performance and deployment.

1# First to do is..

Choose your VPS! Yes, you can take a look in Alexhost VPS, have many plans of VPS Managed or Unmanaged VPS, however if you want to be the boss. Use VPS Unmanaged it will provide you freedom and you will be the boss, that means you will manage, install and configure it by yourself.  That is what you need to create a very fast wordpress server in your VPS


We recommend a VPS with 2GB RAM or 4GB RAM for this, 1.5GB RAM can be enough but make sure that you have more RAM if your website is bigger and receives many traffic and requests.


IMPORTANT: Before start or trying to do anything make sure:

  • That your OS is compatible with any of this stacks (check their requirements in their website)
  • That your hardware is enough to deploy a WordPress website (don’t forget installation of redis, nginx, php and other tools uses space, cpu and RAM!)
  • Make sure you have enough RAM to run your stack + your wordpress with files (images, videos etc)


2# Choose the best WordPress Stack for you



This is an excellent choice, since it is regularly updated and doesn’t require high knowledge about server management, just a bit of code execution commands. Something that you can learn on their website and guides. This WordPress Stack will make your WordPress flying, faster and secure with security hardening and Nginx configuration is ready on the fly for you.


requires Ubuntu Server 18.04/20.04/22.04 or Debian 10/11

**To be installed requires that OS to work, otherwise it won’t work.


Benefits of WordOps:

  • Fast Deployment (Fast and automated WordPress, Nginx, PHP, MySQL & Redis installation)
  • Custom Nginx build (Nginx 1.22.0 – TLS v1.3 Cloudflare HTTP/2 HPACK & Brotli support)
  • WordPress Hardening (Hardened WordPress security with strict Nginx location directives)
  • SSL / TLS (Domain, Subdomain & Wildcard Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates handled by acme.sh)
  • Monitoring (Live Nginx vhost traffic with ngx_vts and server monitoring with Netdata)And many but many features will come soon and in next updates for sure, this is a great WordPress Stack to choose!



What is SlickStack? It’s a super and secure lightweight collection of bash scripts (and cron jobs) for deploying Nginx cloud servers for new or old WordPress and other PHP-based CMS that is lightning-fast and incredibly secure. SlickStack is a good alternative to WordOps, this is a good stack to use and to help you to build your website faster than others.


SlickStack vs WordOps: Which one will you choose?

**This table was created by SlickStack and all credits go to them!


Why choose SlickStack? 

They also use Nginx hardening, Cache and optimized WordPress, not just optimized like Hardening WordPress and Nginx that will make your web server and CMS more secure than regular and default installations in new servers.



EasyEngine is another Stack script to help you install WordPress and deploy faster and secure your WordPress with security, hardening and all Nginx configuration, currently is side-to-side with WordOps, but is more compatible with many OS and provides other solutions for your cases, not only for WordPress but also for Nginx Custom vhost and many features! But is a great WordPress Stack secure, fast and reliable it definetly will create a very fast wordpress server for you.

Features of EasyEngine

EasyEngine Features comes with many features for your WordPress servers with many already implemented like security patches and hardening, this is what EasyEngine have as features:

  • EasyEngine Features:
  • Let’s Encrypt – HTTPS with wildcard and auto-renewal support
  • Complete Setup – Install WordPress, Nginx, PHP, MySQL, Redis & deps
  • For WordPress – WordPress object & full-page cache support
  • Admin Tools – PhpMyAdmin, Redis web viewer & more
  • WP-Cli – Every WordPress site has WP-CLI by default
  • Freedom – EasyEngine uses MIT license. More power to you!
    **Note: features are provided by EasyEngine website.


Which Stack should I choose for my WordPress?

In our opinion, choose the most active and those still in development, because they can fix bugs, errors, vulnerabilities and provide better features and for sure disable dangerous and old deprecated functions. But that won’t make the difference if you don’t use a good VPS with good RAM and good Cores will help your stack be more reliable! Check Alexhost VPS for your cases, if you don’t have knowledge we can install it for you!


How to install WordOps, SlickStack, EasyEngine?

In their websites you just need to follow their commands, it is very basic and does everything for you, it is very easy to do. But if you don’t have time or if you don’t want to do that, please check Alexhost VPS Managed, we will do it for you (if you request of course). We can help you with that.


Conclusion: Any choice will have benefits, but Alexhost can’t guarantee that this will make magic for you (probably this will make your website faster than default apache installation for sure), is easy to use and provides many features to manage like Phpmyadmin, Redis and Nginx fastcgi for your website! Amazing right? Contact Alexhost if you want to have it installed in your VPS with your new website through WordPress! Any of this suggestions will help you to create a very fast wordpress server in your Virtual Private Server (VPS).

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