
CloudPanel is a free server control panel. Its great advantage is that it has advanced server management features. The panel also offers a fast technology stack built with lightweight components for maximum performance and provides a set of tools to enhance security at the server level.



This guide is focused on the following Linux distributions: Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 11. You also need an active Alexhost virtual server for installation. Minimum requirements:

  • >= 1 vCPU
  • >= 2 GB RAM
  • >= 10GB

Please note: Our PROMO KVM VDS 4€/mo package isn’t compatible when using CloudPanel, due to insufficient resources.

Log In to your VPS

If you are using a password to login, the SSH command would be:

ssh root@yourIpAddress

You can also login via SSH to the Server.

Installing CloudPanel

Before running the installer, we recommend that you update your system and install the necessary packages. This can be done with the following command:

apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo

Run the installer with your preferred Database Engine.

  • If you’re using the MySQL 8.0 please use the following command:

curl -sS https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh -o install.sh; \ echo "3c30168958264ced81ca9b58dbc55b4d28585d9066b9da085f2b130ae91c50f6 install.sh" | \ sha256sum -c && sudo bash install.sh

  • If you’re using the MariaDB 10.11 please use the following command:

curl -sS https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh -o install.sh; \ echo "3c30168958264ced81ca9b58dbc55b4d28585d9066b9da085f2b130ae91c50f6 install.sh" | \ sha256sum -c && sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.11 bash install.sh

  • If you’re using the MariaDB 10.6 please use the following command:

curl -sS https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh -o install.sh; \ echo "3c30168958264ced81ca9b58dbc55b4d28585d9066b9da085f2b130ae91c50f6 install.sh" | \ sha256sum -c && sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.6 bash install.sh

On your VPS the installation process will start like this (example with the MySQL db)


Installation will take approximately 15 minutes. If all the previous steps were successfully completed, after that you will receive a message that CloudPanel was successfully installed on your server.


You can now access CloudPanel via Browser: https://yourIpAddress:8443 

  • Instead of the value “yourIpAddres” you need to enter the actual address of your server

You will then need to create a user, add an email address, create a strong password, and agree to the license terms and confirm the privacy policy.


Then you can enter the panel and start using it!

You can find more about CloudPanel on the official website and get acquainted with the detailed instructions, technology stack and more.