Acceptable Usage Policy

1.1. General Information

As a provider of Internet/World Wide Web access, web site hosting, and other Internet-related services, AlexHost (“the Company”) offers its customers, the means to acquire and disseminate a wealth of public, private, commercial, and non-commercial information.

The Company respects that the Internet provides a forum for free and open discussion and dissemination of information, however, when there are competing interests at issue. The Company reserves the right to take certain preventative or corrective actions. 

In order to protect these competing interests, the Company has developed this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), which supplements and explains certain terms of each customer’s respective service agreement and is intended as a guide to the customer’s rights and obligations when utilizing the Company’s services. 

This AUP will be revised from time to time. A customer’s use of the Company’s services after changes to the AUP are posted on the Company’s web site, under the Legal Details section, will constitute the customer’s acceptance of any new or additional terms of the AUP that result from those changes. 

One important aspect of the Internet is that no one party owns or controls it. This fact accounts for much of the Internet’s openness and value, but it also places a high premium on the judgment and responsibility of those who use the Internet, both in the information they acquire and in the information they disseminate to others. 

When subscribers obtain information through the Internet, they must keep in mind that the Company cannot monitor, verify, warrant, or vouch for the accuracy and quality of the information that users may acquire. For this reason, the user must exercise his or her best judgment in relying on information obtained from the Internet, and also should be aware that some material posted to the Internet is sexually explicit or otherwise offensive. 

Because the Company cannot monitor or censor the Internet, and will not attempt to do so, the Company cannot accept any responsibility for injury to its users, customers or subscribers that results from inaccurate, unsuitable, offensive, or illegal Internet communications. 

When users, customers or disseminate information through the Internet, they also must keep in mind that the Company does not review, edit, censor, or take responsibility for any information its users, customers or subscribers may create. When users place information on the Internet, they have the same liability as other authors for copyright infringement, defamation, and other harmful speech. 

Also, because the information they create is carried over the Company’s network and may reach a large number of people, including both customers and subscribers and non-subscribers of the Company, customers’ and subscribers’ postings to the Internet may affect other customers and subscribers and may harm the Company’s goodwill, business reputation, and operations. For these reasons, customers and subscribers violate the Company policy and the service agreement when they, their customers, affiliates, or subsidiaries engage in activities described herein.

At AlexHost, we provide the flexibility to choose between Managed and Unmanaged services tailored to your needs. Our Managed services offer comprehensive support, handling all technical aspects for you, while Unmanaged services give you full control and autonomy over your hosting environment. Whether you prefer a hands-on approach or expert assistance, AlexHost has the right solution for you. By purchasing AlexHost VPS services, you agree to the rules for administering all types of VPS, which are presented here

1.2. Scope

This AUP governs the usage of the Company’s products and services (the “Services”). This AUP is incorporated by reference into each contract the Company enters into with a customer (each, a “Customer”) for the use of such Services. 

The Company may modify this AUP at any time without notice. In addition, this AUP is incorporated by reference into the Terms of Service applicable to the Company’s Web site so that no person who utilizes the Company’s Web site (regardless of whether that person is a Customer) may take any action utilizing the Company’s Web site that a Customer would be prohibited to take utilizing the Services.

1.3. Purpose

This AUP governs the usage of the Company’s products and services (the “Services”). This AUP is incorporated by reference into each contract the Company enters into with a customer (each, a “Customer”) for the use of such Services. 

the Company may modify this AUP at any time without notice. In addition, this AUP is incorporated by reference into the Terms of Service applicable to the Company’s Web site so that no person who utilizes the Company’s Web site (regardless of whether that person is a Customer) may take any action utilizing the Company’s Web site that a Customer would be prohibited to take utilizing the Services.

1.4. We prohibit the following acts in our services

  • Spam ;
  • DDoS / AMP scanning / SYN flood / IP Spoofing & IP-Header Modification;
  • Hacking / Botnet / RATs / Ransomware;
  • Fraud / Scam / Phishing / Carding anything related;
  • TOR Exit Relays;
  • Child Pornography, animal porn, models under the age of 18;
  • Malware / Exploits / Viruses;
  • Fraudulent sites, as well as redirects to such sites;
  • Any activity that may lead to IP blacklisting (SpamHaus, StopForumSpam, SpamCop, Blocklist, anti-virus databases and any other blacklists).

1.5. We prohibit the following acts in our VPS

Everything listed in point (1.4) is prohibited.

If your VPS creates problems for other users (powerful DDoS attacks, excessive loads on the channel and disk subsystem, etc.)

then we reserve the right to limit the load or refuse to provide services at any time and offer a move to a dedicated server in order to ensure stable and the smooth operation of other customers.

1.6. Web Hosting Shared Excessive usage not allowed

Everything listed in point (1.4) is prohibited.

  • If your Web Hosting Shared creates problems for other users (powerful DDoS attacks, excessive loads on the channel and disk subsystem, etc.), you may upgrade to VPS or Dedicated Server;
  • Utilize the Services to cause denial of service attacks against the Company or other network hosts or Internet users or to otherwise degrade or impair the operation of the Company’s servers and facilities or the servers and facilities of other network hosts or Internet users;
  • Post messages or software programs that consume excessive CPU time, or storage space, or network bandwidth;
  • Utilize the Services to subvert, or assist others in subverting, the security or integrity of any the Company systems, facilities or equipment;
  • Utilize the Services to distribute or post any virus, worm, Trojan horse, or computer code intended to disrupt services, destroy data, destroy or damage equipment, or disrupt the operation of the Services;
  • Utilize excessive usage in CPU Load / RAM and more (heavy videos, huge traffic etc..) that can harm other users in the network;
  • Utilize the Services to conduct port scans or other invasive procedures against any server (except any server for which the User is an authorized system administrator);



The Company (AlexHost SRL) expressly disclaims any obligation to monitor its Customers and other Users with respect to violations of this AUP. the Company has no liability or responsibility for the actions of any of its Customers or other Users or any content any User may post on any Web site.

Remedies:  If the Company learns of a violation of this AUP, the Company will respond to the applicable Customer and may, in the Company’s sole discretion, take any of the following actions, in accordance with the severity and duration of the violation:

  • Warning the Customer; and/or
  • Suspending the offending Customer from the Services; and/or
  • Terminating the offending Customer from the Services; and/or
  • Imposing fees or charges on the offending Customer account in accordance with the applicable service contract; and/or
  • Taking other action in accordance with this AUP, the applicable service contract or applicable law.

Please also note! If we determine that our terms of use outlined in paragraph 1.4 have been violated and can substantiate this with evidence, we reserve the right to discontinue our services. Consequently, no further support on other active services will be provided.

3.Reservation of Rights

The Company reserves the right to cooperate with appropriate legal authorities in investigations of claims of illegal activity involving the Company’s Services, Customers and other Users. the Company reserves all other rights to respond to violations of this AUP to the extent of applicable law and in accordance with any applicable contractual obligations. 

The Company may utilize technical means to monitor communications into, and out of, its network facilities to prevent the introduction of viruses or other hostile code, to prevent intrusions and otherwise to enforce this AUP and each Customer agrees that the Company is authorized to monitor its communications through the Company’s network for such purposes.

4.Cease Service

When we detected suspicious activity or don’t comply with AUP, we reserve the right to contact you and if you don’t answer, we will be forced to take another actions, with include but not limited, cease your services. 

We reserve the right to terminate / block / suspend your account and related services, if we detected any actions listed in the 1.4 point. 

If you break our AUP, please note no refund will be provided.

5. Types of VPS administration options: Managed & Unmanaged

At AlexHost, we provide the flexibility to choose between Managed and Unmanaged services tailored to your needs. Our Managed services offer comprehensive support, handling all technical aspects for you, while Unmanaged services give you full control and autonomy over your hosting environment. Whether you prefer a hands-on approach or expert assistance, AlexHost has the right solution for you. By purchasing AlexHost VPS services, you agree to the rules for administering all types of VPS, which are presented here

6. Money-Back Policy 

Full refund option available within 30 days of purchase, giving you plenty of time to test their overall performance. Please note: Only first-time hosting accounts are eligible for our 30-day money-back guarantee. For example, if you previously purchased a shared hosting package and canceled it for a refund, you will not be eligible for a further refund of the shared hosting price. Additional licenses for third party software (such as cPanel, Plesk, ISPManager, DirectAdmin or Softaculous) are non-refundable. In the event of an AUP violation or the acquisition of an order using an active promotional code, it is important to be aware that refunds will not be issued under these circumstances.

6.1.Products for which standart return policies are available: 

  • Shared hosting
  • WordPress Hosting
  • DMCA-ignore hosting
  • Hosting Litespeed
  • VPS (Virtual Private Servers)
  • Windows VPS (Virtual Private Servers running Windows)
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Colocation Service

6.2. Products for which no refunds are provided:

  • Domains
  • SSL
  • VPN Service
  • purchased subnet*
    •  we don’t offer refund for purchased subnet, with the dedicated server’s additional option.

6.3. Special rules for refunds from a dedicated server and colocation service

The purchase of a dedicated server or colocation service for the first time can be canceled and the money returned (except for the cost of licenses).
In case of return, the following rules apply:
– Initial server installation – 5 Euro.
– Return fee -30% of the amount paid.

6.4. Special refund rules if you’re using BTC as a payment gateway

Special refund rules are outlined for users who utilize BTC as their payment gateway. The following points describe this:

  • Minimum Refund Amount: When using BTC as the payment gateway, AlexHost sets the minimum refund amount at $100.
  • Refund Fee: A fixed fee of $20 applies to any refund amount.
  • Exceptions: Refunds under $100 cannot be processed via BTC and require an alternative refund method, such as USDT. Using USDT TRC20 also incurs a $5 return fee, in the absence of a minimum amount. 
  • Transaction Confirmation: Before processing a BTC refund, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the minimum amount and consider the fee.

AlexHost values its customers and strives to provide fair and transparent refund conditions, in accordance with the established rules and fees.

Revised: 06/08/2024