Serwer dedykowany Intel Core i7

vps features 1
Dedykowane IP
vps features 2
Pełny dostęp do roota
vps features 3
Dyski SSD
vps features 4
Sieć 1 Gb/s
vps features 5
Obsługa protokołu IPv6
vps features 6
Jeśli nie znalazłeś serwera, którego potrzebujesz, napisz do nas za pomocą bota telegramu, czatu na żywo lub pocztą
Intel Core i7RAMDisksPortIPTransferOkresCena
Cores: 4 Threads: 8
Clockspeed: 3.4 GHZ
Turbo Speed: 3.9 GHZ
Edytor Intel® Core™ i7-4770
RAM 4/8/16/32GB DDR3Disks Dysk SSD lub SATAPort 1 GBps SharedIP 1 IPv4TransferOkres 0% 63.00€ Zamów teraz
Cores: 8 Threads: 8
Clockspeed: 3.0 GHZ
Turbo Speed: 4.7 GHZ
Edytor Intel® Core™ i7-9700 DDR4
RAM 8/16/32/64GB DDR4Disks M2 NVMe, M2 SSD lub dysk twardy SATAPort 1 GBps SharedIP 1 IPv4TransferOkres 0% 156.00€ Zamów teraz

Dedykowana platforma serwisowa zapewniająca maksymalną prędkość i stabilność

Dedykowana pamięć RAM serwisowa

Dedykowany rdzeń usług

Usługa dedykowana CMS

Serwery o wysokiej wydajności

Poziomy kontroli serwera dedykowanego

Specjalizacje serwerów dedykowanych

Szukasz czegoś innego?

Podstawowy hosting Basic Hosting
z 0,75€/mies
  • 5 witryn
  • 5 baz danych MySQL
  • Dysk SSD 1 GB
  • Bezpłatna ochrona anty-DDoS
z 4€ /mies
  • 1536MB RAM
  • 1 rdzeń
  • Pamięć SSD 10 GB
  • Bezpłatna ochrona anty-DDoS
z 16,00 € /mies
  • 8192MB RAM
  • 4 rdzenie
  • Pamięć SSD 80 GB
  • Bezpłatna ochrona anty-DDoS
Promo Core i7 Promocja na Core i7 DDR3
z 63,00 € /mies
  • CPU Intel Core i7 DDR3
  • Minimalna RAM - 4 GB DDR3
  • Dysk SSD lub SATA
  • Bezpłatna ochrona anty-DDoS

Dedicated server i7

Dedicated server Intel Core i7 represents a special type of server, the functionality of which is implemented based on powerful processors from the Intel Core i7 series. They have been specifically designed to handle high-performance tasks and ensure stable, uninterrupted operation of any type of website, application, or other digital projects. At any convenient moment, you can rent Intel i7 Dedicated server hosting from the reputable organization AlexHost to get a flawless platform for deploying your business project. Such a solution will give you full control, unprecedented data protection, and the ability to freely utilize dedicated computational resources without any limitations.


Dedicated server Intel Core i7: best option for your business

Cheap Intel i7 dedicated server represents an incredibly powerful and innovative development, offering a stable platform on which any website or application can be safely hosted. What makes this product ideal in every sense of the word? Many prefer cheap Intel i7 dedicated servers precisely because this solution is synonymous with reliability, functionality, and security. That’s why you can confidently rely on such a server format if you want to establish your business presence online. This development is suitable for both modest startups and full-scale corporate resources. Cheap dedicated server hosting with Intel i7 will become your best partner in ensuring the efficiency of web projects and guaranteeing the security of any information, including standard and strictly confidential data.

To rent such a server type, all you need to do is inform the specialists at AlexHost of your intentions. They will promptly review your new request, familiarize themselves with your preferences and project specifics, and then propose several optimal server configurations and a suitable tariff plan. After that, you will gain access to your dedicated server based on powerful Intel Core processors in a timely manner.


Intel i7 Dedicated server hosting: main merits

Intel i7 dedicated hosting is endowed with a range of specific features and advantages, this product is highly sought after and frequently ordered. So, the following are among the key merits:

  • High processor power. Intel i7 dedicated hosting is based on advanced processors produced by Intel Core (i7 series). They are known for their reliability, stability, resistance to heavy workloads, and multitasking capabilities. Moreover, these processors feature a special multicore architecture and high clock speeds. Such a combination of power and technology automatically makes them the ideal solution for handling heavyweight tasks and quickly launching demanding, resource-intensive applications.
  • Flexible settings and the ability for instant scalability. By turning to AlexHost, you can buy an Intel i7 dedicated server and later increase the server’s technical potential, i.e., easily and quickly scale it. This is especially relevant during growing workloads or changes in the volumes of data processed within your online project.
  • Reasonable and fully justified Intel i7 dedicated hosting price. Ordering this option from AlexHost can be a smart and wise investment.
  • High level of stability and reliability in every detail. This advantage is realized thanks to a powerful hardware base and quality, uninterrupted technical support from the hosting service provider. As a result, you get minimal downtime and high availability of your website or application.
  • High requirements for information security. This solution involves the use of innovative encryption techniques and multi-level access protection. All of this ensures the protection and privacy of any business data.


How the cheap dedicated server hosting with Intel i7 may be applied?

You will be pleasantly surprised not only by the affordable Intel i7 dedicated hosting price but also by the variety of projects that can be launched and successfully developed on this server platform. You can use such a server for various tasks and projects, including any of the following:

  • Online stores of any theme and scale. With such a server, you can comfortably develop both a small online boutique and a large-scale marketplace. This server will provide instant loading of pages with video and photo content, allow for quick order processing, and enable individual management of the trade inventory.
  • Hosting web resources. Such a server is the perfect solution for resources of any scale, including small starting blogs and large corporate projects. The server will easily handle large volumes of traffic and launch even the most complex web applications.
  • Tasks and projects related to development and testing. Leading programmers and developers confirm the effectiveness of such servers for creating applications, testing their performance, and deploying software.
  • Game servers, including various types of games – regular and multiplayer. Now your visitors can enjoy stable and high-quality gaming experience for hours without any hint of lags or delays.
  • Analytical tasks and working with databases (ensuring efficient and timely interaction even with large volumes of data).
  • Tasks related to virtualization technologies (relevant for virtualizing physical servers, ensuring resource isolation, and developing virtual machines).

Często zadawane pytania (FAQ)

Co to jest serwer dedykowany Intel Core i7?
Serwer dedykowany Intel Core i7 to specjalny serwer fizyczny zaprojektowany w oparciu o nowy, wydajny procesor Intel Core i7. Zasoby takiego serwera są ściśle przypisane do jednego klienta (jeden serwer na klienta).
Jakie są parametry techniczne serwera dedykowanego Intel Core i7?
Hosting serwerów dedykowanych Intel i7 jest wyposażony w najnowszy, zaawansowany procesor z serii Intel Core i7, szybką pamięć masową (opcjonalnie SSD lub HDD), imponującą pojemność pamięci zapewniającą maksymalną wydajność i szybką łączność sieciową.
Do jakich typów projektów nadaje się serwer dedykowany Intel Core i7?
Każdy klient AlexHost może wykorzystać możliwości taniego hostingu serwerów dedykowanych z procesorem Intel i7 zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami. Ta usługa jest często potrzebna do zadań związanych z hostingiem, wirtualizacją i analizą danych, a także do uruchamiania sklepów internetowych i platform do gier.

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